Home Design - Tips


Monday, December 4, 2006
Texture--Considering Materials and Texture--Applying Your Thinking To Your Home

Texture is a powerful tool in making your home your own. Novel textures stimulate, while the familiar soothe. When visiting someone else`s home, you may find that turning their doorknob, lifting their kettle, or settling down on their sofa actually feels strange; because the textures of their life differ from yours. But spend enough time in any home, and you will become accustomed to it. And in your own home, with objects you have chosen, the process of familiarization is even more subliminal. The texture of the armchair you bought so long ago has become so familiar you can recognize it in the dark : you reach out for it as a staging post on the way to turning on the light.

You can use this process to help make your home a more comforting place to be. Choose texture that answer something in you and let them become part of the fabric of your life ; just as a signature scent which comes to seems to seem less noticeable to the wearer, yet still announces its presence to others.

Considering Materials and Texture

Look at the materials in these six picture. Ignore the object and their colour, and focus on the basic qualities of the materials. Do not let yourself be put off if, for example, you prefer leather to be smooth, not buttoned as here, or Perspex when it is coloured. Perhaps your first reaction is that some of these materials are old-fashioned or even trendy clichés. Put these thoughts aside. Simply imagine touching each one and decide which you would most enjoy in your home. Record your choices and up to three qualities that explain why they appeal to you.

Applying Your Thinking To Your Home

Your goal is to create a home full of tecture to which you respond on first contact, and then which make you feel good as you live with them. You will want to combine texture that stimulate and soothe to the degree that suits you. If you think of your home as a sanctuary, which texture signify security and fastness to you? Do find acres of burnished steel reassuringly durable or off-puttingly clinical? Can you bear extreme contrasts, or absence, of texture in your home? Be honest with yourself as a ‘sensuous being’ when other factor, such as how easy something is to clean, may play a larger part in your choice of texture than you like to admit. Now look around you. How much of your chosen texture do you currently have in your home?

posted by Smithdeson @ 12:36 PM  
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