Home Design - Tips


Thursday, December 7, 2006
Shape -- Understanding Shapes -- Finding Shapes You Like

After you have absorbed the colours and patterns of a room, the basic forms reveal themselves. Regardless of the material used, characteristic shapes will recur. In some homes, the furniture is solid but not angular, all rectangles with rounded – off corners. In others, you will see a preponderance of spindly, elongated triangular forms, or voluptuously curved solid.

Understanding Shapes

The shape of the tables and chairs a person chooses to live with reflects something of their self-image, just as their choice of pet can do. A large, solid person is likely to feel uncomfortable around spindly furniture; although its very delicacy may appeal to someone who yearns to be fragile themselves. Do you want your home to reflect an unpretentious attitude, and fill it with solid durable items? Are primitives shapes inelegant or powerful? Do you see yourself as stable, industrious, quirky, fun, esoteric? Comparing the contours of your silhouette and your self-image with those of your furniture can be quite revealing.

Finding Shapes You Like

Look at these chairs as shape only, and forget about how comfortable or fashionable you think they may be. Which pleases you most? Write down your choice and up to three key words that explain its appeal. Now look around you at the major pieces of furniture in your home; the bed, the tables, the seating,. Can you see any similarities between their proportions? Wide, low and heavy, perhaps, or upright and finely turned? Do their legs, corners and feet share similar formations? Which pieces are your favourites? Describe their shape. Which pieces of furniture seem to jar or stand out? Are they different in shape to the rest?
posted by Smithdeson @ 11:22 PM  
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